Press presentation of Sanz Purefruit

Press presentation of Sanz Purefruit

Presentation of our Purefruit for cocktail making, gastronomy and hospitality press in general We tasted and mixed them and tested their complete versatility with the assistance of Luis Inchaurraga An event carried out with a small group with a large influence on the world of communication in the hospitality sector at which we were able to enjoy the complete range of Sanz […]

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee

Try our version of the classic Irish Coffee; Orchard Coffee Cocktail. Did you know how the Irish Coffee was invented? In 1942 passengers on a flight were arriving at Shannon, an airport in the southwest of Ireland, they were frozen to the bone and in the restaurant there, the  chef Joe Sheridan got them  warmed up with a hot coffee […]

Recipe with the new 95% fruits of the forest Purefruit

Recipe with the new 95% fruits of the forest Purefruit

Recipe with the new 95% FRUITS OF THE FOREST Purefruit…. fas-cin-at-ing! 😍 📌WILDBERRY SMASH ▪️45 ml Gin ▪️30 ml black tea ▪️30 ml Fruits of the Forest purée @sanzcocktails ▪️22.5 ml lemon juice ▪️15 ml Sanz vanilla syrup 📌HOW TO MAKE IT? ✔️Shake all the ingredients with ice ✔️Double strain into the Highball glass full of ice […]

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail

How to make foam with a siphon for a cocktail. Foam is the result of combining a flavoured and well-strained liquid with bubbles of gas, normally  No2, and a stabilizing agent or emulsifier: fats, gelatines, egg whites or starch. They can be cold or warm and can be made with practically any flavour 😋.   […]